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Show Notes

How do you politely follow up with a colleague or client who consistently fails to respond to your emails without seeming pushy or desperate?

It’s essential to maintain open lines of communication while being respectful of others’ time. Acknowledge any delays in your response, and if necessary, send a polite reminder to prompt further action. Always provide a reason for delayed responses, whether you’re travelling or busy, to manage expectations respectfully.

How should you address a colleague who consistently talks over others in virtual meetings, disrupting the flow of conversation?

Maintain a formal structure in meetings, even virtual ones, and don’t hesitate to assert yourself calmly and kindly when interrupted. Establish a formal tone by having everyone introduce themselves, and politely ask for the floor when necessary.

What’s the best way to navigate cultural differences in communication during international business meetings, especially when misunderstandings arise?

Respect and understanding are key. Cultural misunderstandings are natural but can lead to more in-depth discussions when approached with openness. Always enter cross-cultural meetings with respect and flexibility, allowing for breaks to realign if necessary.

How do you manage a situation where a client insists on ordering an expensive item far exceeding the agreed-upon budget during a business lunch?

Be gracious and flexible in adjusting the budget when necessary, and pre-plan certain aspects, such as wine selections, to avoid overspending. Pre-order wine or select menu items in advance to manage costs without diminishing the guest’s experience.

How should you handle the pressure of participating in office gift exchanges when you’re on a tight budget or don’t believe in the practice?

Find ways to participate that align with your personal and financial comfort, such as suggesting a charitable donation in lieu of traditional gifts. Communicate your preferences privately and respectfully, ensuring a balance between personal values and workplace culture.

What’s the best way to respond when a colleague tries to engage you in gossip about another co-worker?

Avoid personal, disrespectful office gossip at all costs. Politely excuse yourself from the conversation or change the subject to maintain professionalism. Gossip will always come back to haunt you—walk away from these conversations with grace.

How should you approach invitations to after-work drinks or social events when you prefer to keep your personal and professional lives separate?

Maintain personal integrity by clearly defining where your social and work boundaries begin and end. Set clear boundaries between your personal and professional life, and communicate them respectfully to your colleagues.

Louise’s Top Tip

In today’s professional world, navigating business etiquette requires both finesse and adaptability. Remember, it’s all about mutual respect and clear communication.

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